Thursday, April 24, 2008

In the aisle for the macabre bibliophile

Christina Maxwell representing Baby Tattoo Books for Bob Self.

Books • Publisher • BABY TATTOO
Another great find at ComicCon this week was Baby Tattoo Books. The brain managing the publishing soma was a man named, Bob. He demonstrates a terrific energy and passion for the dreadfully delicious art he publishes. When someone is doing what they love, you can tell because the work is always preeminent and appealing. And brill as a whippoorwill.
While LilyBat took DeMonica off to lunch, Betty Bones and I devoured all the smashing volumes at this booth, and found so many great books! You can bet your knickers I'll be reviewing the long ton I bought there. How I wish I found the booth later in the day, though. They’re still sewing my shoulder back on.
You can see the Baby Tattoo blog here for information on upcoming books and events.

Unidentified work by Viktor Koen from forthcoming Baby Tattoo book.

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